The prescribed qualification for the General Teacher posts is as under: “10+2 Preference will be given to the candidates having higher qualification and those having passed B.Ed/SM.Ed and diploma in
ETT/NTT”. And the following criteria was adopted by the Board for making selections of candidates as against the Teacher posts in previous recruitments:-
- Minimum 10+2 25 pts(on prorate basis)
- Graduation =10 pts (on prorated basis)
- ETT/NTT =05 pts (on prorated basis)
- E.Ed =10 pts (on prorated basis)
- P.G =10 pts (on prorated basis)
- M.Ed =10 pts (on prorated basis)
- M.Phil =02 pts (on prorated basis)
- Ph.D after M. Phil or =03 pts ( Across the Board)
- Ph.D (Directed =05 pts (Across the Board without M.Phil)
- Viva Voce 20 pts
Total =100 pts